Home > Understanding diabetes > Diabetic neuropathy symptoms
Diabetic neuropathy symptoms are important to spot as it is a complication that can impact on your life.
Diabetic neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves caused by poorly controlled blood sugar. It affects all the nerves in the body.
It usually starts in your feet. If you have numbness in any area of your foot it is a good idea to see your doctor.
The best thing to do is to have regular diabetes checks. Quite often the doctor will touch parts of your feet and see if you can feel it. If you can it is a good sign.
Another way to tell is if you stub your toe and you know about it, it means that your feet are fine although it may not feel like it at the time when you are rolling on the floor in pain.
It is the most common complication of diabetes and can be prevented by good control of your blood sugar and a healthy lifestyle.
The first symptoms are numbness, pins and needles and a burning pain in the legs, feet, toes, hands, arms and fingers.
Other symptoms are diarrhea, erectile dysfunction in males, loss of bladder control, dizziness, muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, speech impediment and burning pain.
Noticing it early could make all the difference between living a normal life and being badly affected by it. If left too late the only treatment that is given is pain relief.
Other treatments are physical therapy and exercise. This stops the muscles from wasting away and helps maintain their length.
Taking lots of walks in the country can help and it is a very enjoyable way to get lots of exercise.
Also swimming is a good way to work those muscles.
Other risks of diabetic neuropathy are serious injury to the hands and feet as lack of feeling can lead to infections and amputations.
So it is important to take care of yourself as much as you can and make sure that you see your doctor if any of these symptoms occur. It is always best to treat it early as it will mean a better outcome.
Hopefully you will recognize these symptoms early in order to get them treated.
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