Home > Tips for getting pregnant > Pre-eclampsia
This is a complication in pregnancy which could be deadly serious and even fatal for both mother and baby if not treated.
Symptoms are:
High blood pressure 120 over 80 or higher.
Spots in your line of vision.
Pain under your ribs.
Severe headache.
Any swelling.
Nausea or vomiting.
Protein in the urine.
Shoulder pain.
Lower back pain.
Sense that something is not right.
Feeling dizzy.
Numbness in the arms.
If you are suffering from just one of the symptoms on this list. Call your doctor immediately.
You can never be too careful and it could save your life. Make sure that your symptoms are properly investigated and that you have been tested.
The only cure for it is delivery of the baby.
Quite often, before delivery you may end up in hospital so they can keep an eye on you. They will give you blood pressure tablets and you will be expected to rest.
It can be a pain being in hospital when you are feeling that there is nothing wrong, but it is for the best.
If you do start to feel bad, you are in the right place.
Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can go bad very quickly.
I went in for a routine antenatal appointment at 36 weeks and my blood pressure was high. They also found protein in my urine and I had to be admitted that day. I had no symptoms and no idea that anything was wrong.
I had to stay in hospital for 2 days. They let me out as long as I came back the next day to have my blood pressure checked. I went back and it was still high so I was admitted again and had to stay in until S was born.
It was a good thing because if anything had happened I was in the right place.
After delivery you will continue to be monitored and your blood pressure will have to go down and stay down for you to be in the clear.
You will still have to keep an eye on yourself as this condition can develop up to 6 weeks after delivery.
Pregnancy can be wonderful, but always make sure that you look after yourself.
you sense that something is wrong, contact your doctor or
midwife. It may turn out to be ok, but it is better to be safe than
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